Monday, February 2, 2009

Interpersonal Relationships

"My sister and I a few years ago at our summer house"

There are only a few people who really know me deep down. For this reason I decided to interview my sister and my girlfriend. My girl Brittany is very honest with me and my sister Alyssa wont hesitate to give me criticism, which I guess can be constructive =P.

My strengths:
My sister was with me growing up, and I had to pave the way in the hard home life we had. She told me that I am emotionally strong and able to handle a lot of stress and pressure. She said that many people rely on me and I must have a high tolerance of stress. When I asked my girlfriend what my strengths were she told me the same thing. She knows my college life and that I am making the most of it. She added generosity and kindness to my strengths when she said I would do anything for a friend. I always put other people before myself. This is a great strength, but is also a big weakness.

My weaknesses:
The fact that I put other people before myself really hurts me in the end, because I never have time or effort to do things for me. My sister agreed to this comment because when it comes down between doing something for myself or my family, my family comes before myself. My girl added by saying I have a hard time opening up to people. I have been scared because I have trusted people and had them turn around and hurt me very bad. Because of this, I tend to keep my emotions inside.

No matter how much you know yourself, it always helps to hear things about yourself from others. Back in my hometown I just lived my life and I knew I did things for other people, but I didn't really realize that I do things for other people, even when it's an inconvenience for myself. I know I don't open up, but it's hard for me. Even back in middle and high school I never opened up to friends because of the home life I had. I never thought of it as a big deal but my friends and family are always trying to get me to show my real feelings.

The next few weeks:
I really want to start doing more things for myself. By going to Europe, this is really an experience for nobody but myself. I really want to meet some good friends that I can be open with. It may take me a little while to fully open up, but I really need to break my habit.

1 comment:

  1. I really do hope that you are able to open up while we are here. I've seen you start to a few times and im so anxious to see more of the real you. Sorry if i get frustrated with you sometimes, i like helping people break out of their shells, and each time you are around a new person you go back in yours. Even if you dont open up to other people while here, i do hope that you enjoy yourself and are not held down by anything. It seems like you absooulty love it here ^_^
