Thursday, March 26, 2009

An Interesting Foreigner

While in Munich, I went to the bar/restaurant in the Hostel and sat down to get something to drink when I noticed the girl next to me speak very good English. Many times I start conversations here by telling them I notice they speak English, and then ask them where they were from. Sometimes I get answers that freak me out how small a world it is, by telling me they are from the town next to me (this happened twice). In very good English she responds, Equador. I honestly thought English was her first language when I heard her speak. We started talking about why we are here in Europe and specifically Munich, Germany. We brought up our home countries and what it's like there. It was just really cool meeting somebody who has never been to America and having so much in common with her because we find ourselves in Europe doing the same thing. While I'm North American and she is South American, we found a common ground and talk for a long while. We eventually had to go different directions that night, but it was really fun talking to somebody who has never been to the United States and finding out what she thinks about us. We got eachothers names down and are keeping in touch via Facebook.

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